In an age of singles and ever shortening attention spans, the art of piecing together a well crafted album is often over looked by the common music fan. From a year's worth of journal entries and random scribblings, Joey Barro has written a batch of songs well worth soaking in. We spent an evening with Joey and his new project, The Traditionist, hiking around Golden Hill before their show at The Habitat.
Is there literal meaning behind the title, Season to Season?
The record has a lot of songs that were very literal to me at one point in time. Since then, I think those songs have taken on different meanings and are constantly changing.
How was working with Tim Bluhm?
Working with Tim Bluhm (Mother Hips) on Season to Season was a great session! Tim and I get along real well in the studio and that chemistry lent itself to a very relaxed and free flowing feel. Neither one of us had any agendas or hang ups. We're going to be working together in the future, hopefully sooner than later.
Ben, Joey, Sarah and Shaun - All Photos by Carly Ealey
Are you always writing, or do songs come out in bunches?
I'm constantly writing, with some days or periods resulting in bunches of songs. I'm not always writing songs though, anything from thoughts to nonsense, to poems and stories. I like putting down as much as I can whenever I can. It's arts and crafts all over again.
Tell us about your current band.
My band seems to be in constant state of change at the moment. I have been playing with different musicians for most of the Season to Season shows, which seems to be relevant because that is how the record went down. There were several musicians that came into the studio, and as of now I have been rotating different friends for different shows...It's cool for now.
You’re also the front man for The Antiques, what's it like carrying two projects simultaneously?
Yeah, Im also in the Antiques. It’s cool to have the freedom to do both. I think that the personalities of my friends in the Antiques really adds to the final result. With the Traditionist, it is a little more of a revolving and evolving situation, both projects are inspiring and exciting.

What are you doing, when you're not playing or writing music?
When I'm not playing music I throw pizzas in the air.
What have you been listening to lately?
The last thing I listened to was the Traveling Wilburys Vol. II, I love that album!

You've already recorded your follow up album, correct?
Yes, I made another album in November, out in North Carolina. It was cool to work with Scott Solter again and exeprience the rural nature of where he lives while we were in the session. I think it really came out great and I’m anxious to let others hear it soon! Besides the recording, we did a little honey bee extracting (not sure what that process is actually called) and we also managed to get into a little trouble with the law in a small moutnain town out there...
Petti, from Calico Horse spent a couple weeks in North Carolina, recording with Joey for the next Traditionist album. He was kind enough to piece this video together for us. Habitat videos filmed and edited by Jonathan Foster.
Season to Season drops March 10th on Better Looking Records. You can catch The Traditionist March 13th at The Belly Up Tavern, with The Mother Hips.
Check out the Photo Gallery for more of our Golden Hill wanderings.