David Adey Installs New Piece at Athenaeum

In August we interviewed David Adey about the process-heavy craft punch pieces he has been fine-tuning for the last few years, but the bulk of his summer was spent developing a completely different process for a new commission. Like much of his sculpture, Adey started with a goal in mind and locked himself away to study and become an expert in the methods and materials required to reach it. The ambitious work represents time spent, not in the traditional process of building a body of pieces and detailing them, but in setting out to learn how to manifest and idea with no guarantees that it is even possible.
This weekend, David Adey will introduce "John Henry" at the La Jolla Athenaeum this weekend. It spans the entire gallery and, although installed in a matter of weeks, embodies months of exhaustive work that continually presented Adey with the question, "will I have anything to show for?" Sezio will showcase more about the piece and process behind it following the exhibition opening but for now, you'll have to come meet Mr. Henry yourself.
Friday, February 26 /1008 Wall Street, La Jolla / 6:30-8:30 PM
Tags: David Adey, Athenaeum