The fairgrounds are finally done with American Idols. This late summer lineup took me by complete surprise as I saw kicking off the first show, this Friday, is G. Love & Special Sauce. With his mellow, but harsh attitude, his live show should be very entertaining. Also, due for an appearance in August, with their infamous stage show, is the Flaming Lips. Local favorite Pinback will also be playing in late August and mellow sylist Pete Yorn shows up in September.
The most amazing part about these shows is that they are all free. Just be at the fairgrounds right when the last race finishes, which is usually around 7 PM, and stick around for the tunes.
Lineup is below.
Fri, July 24th - G. Love & Special Sauce
Fri, July 31st - The Wailers
Fri, Aug 7th - The Airborne Toxic Event
Fri, Aug 14th - Common Sense
Sat, Aug 15th - The Flaming Lips
Fri, Aug 21st - Pinback
Sat, Aug 22nd - Steel Pulse
Fri, Aug 28th - Super Diamod
Fri, Sept 4th - Pete Yorn
Sun, Sept 6th - Roots, Rock, Reggae Festival feat. Ziggy Marley