Jolby To Publish A Children's Book
Portland-based illustrators Jolby are working on their first childrens' book entitled The King's Sixth Finger, a whimsical story about a king named Mortimer who is obsessed with the number 5. Using the recently popular, Josh and Colby are hoping to publish the book with funds from pre-ordered copies and other donations. During the three month funding period, backers will be sent exclusive sneak peaks and behind the scenes insight into their creative process. Here's a sneak peak of King Mortimer himself (pre sixth finger).

Josh and Colby are co-writing the book with Rachel Roellke. Knowing how talented these two are, I can't wait to receive my copy in the mail..! If you'd like to pre-order the book, or just support the cause, visit their Kickstarter page here.
Tags: Portland, Jolby, Kickstarter, Childrens Book, Rachel Roellke