Pecha Kucha @ The Pearl (04.20)

Pecha Kucha Night does not involve me having a few too many beers, totally butchering Bennie and the Jets and eventually getting booed off the stage. Well, two out of three might happen...
Pecha Kucha is an international creative meetup hosted in 180+ cities world wide. 10 presenters, from a variety of design-based fields, are alotted 20 slides and 20 seconds to speak on each. The topics can range from Public Art to Vertical Farming; this month features Architectural Photographer, Mike Torrey, Holiday Matinee's Dave Brown and yours truly will be discussing the growth and sustainability of San Diego's creative community.
Monday April 20th will be San Diego's second installment of the quarterly gathering, hosted at The Pearl in Point Loma. Presentations start at 8pm sharp, more info here.
Tags: Holiday Matinee, Dave Brown, Pecha Kucha, The Pearl