Faces On Film Perform at Habitat House

Mike Fiore took a trip out to San Francisco from Boston to pick up some construction work while his band Faces On Film took a break from touring. Nada Alic, whose Friends With Both Arms music blog is named after a Faces On Film song, convinced Mike to drive 8 hours south for a one-off solo performance in the attic at Habitat House. The drive proved to be worth while as 60+ people packed in the attic on March 2nd for a beautiful performance. Peep the VCR-style video shot by Brandon Tauszik, Chadwick Gantes, and Kenny Laubbacher below. Photo above by Chadwick Gantes.
Tags: Boston, The Habitat, Chadwick Gantes, Habitat House, Faces On Film, Friends With Both Arms, Nada Alic, Brandon Tauszik