Sezio Del Norte @ THREAD SF
Sezio of the North is manning a booth at this weekend's THREAD Show in San Francisco. Heine, Gretchen, Dustin, Kyle and Taggart will be printing shirts, tanks, skirts or anything you want to bring from home. Gretchen just wrote me an email with their plan of action:
"Heading up there straight from work to grab Dustin and unload tonight. We're setting up a lounge with comfy chairs and a coffee table you can Sharpie on. We've got a few cool books, white Christmas lights, plants, candles... two nice big tables for screening and working... clothes rack, mannequin, clothes line, stools... sign up/inventory sheets, stickers, buttons... power strips, paper towels.... screens, flash dryer, paints, squeegees, spray solvent... tape, sock monkey, video camera."
THREAD SF will be held Saturday, June 19th at the Concourse Exhibition Center from 11am-6pm.

Tags: San Francisco, Screen Printing, THREAD Show, Sezio North, Sezio Del Norte