Public Art Project:
In our over-juried, overexposed, over-hyped land of art and design it's refreshing to see an art event that not only has no jury, but also gives away the pieces in an "unprejudiced" way to anyone near the bike path. Born out of a reaction to recent changes regarding Berlin's vandalism laws, Papergirl rallies artists and cyclists to distribute rolls of paper art (posters, prints, etc.) to unsuspecting Berliners. I had the pleasure of interviewing the original Papergirl, Aisha Ronniger, to find out more about this project. Read More...
Artist Interview:
Over the past few years, Kelsey Brookes has worked to a place where his art is known in Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and beyond, but his lack of major attention in his hometown of San Diego doesn't seem to bother him at all. For Kelsey, San Diego holds the elements of home and it is obvious that his pursuit of success in art has little to do with recognition or significance, but rather stems from a desire to enjoy life fully and spend his time in meaningful ways. His painting is full of passion, but it doesn't overshadow his passions for surfing, adventuring, and sharing time with friends, whether new or old. To see that balance is a reminder that good art is an expression of deep and interesting experiences, and the evidence of time well-spent drips out beautifully on Kelsey's canvases. Read More...
It seems that every city with a developed creative community has a combination of two kinds of people: artists and musicians who work hard at what they do, and people who put in equally hard work to support those artists and spread the word. For our budding creative community here in San Diego, Kinsee Morlan has been a patron saint for building an active, thoughtful, and sustainable network of artists. Founder of Adapta Project and former Arts & Culture Editor for the CityBeat, Kinsee invested eight years doing the hard and often unseen work of planting necessary seeds. Recently relocated to Colorado, we asked Kinsee to leave us with a few snippets of insight from her time here. Read More...
Artist Interview:
I can't seem to remember where I first saw Alyson Fox's work. No matter. The important part is that we found her. I was immediately drawn to her illustrative skill and found her work to be haunting but strangely familiar. As a general fan of a "less is more" aesthetic, I'm also drawn to Alyson's restraint. She always seems to stop working on a piece at just the right moment. My wife and I quickly realized that we wanted to live with her work in our house. A few days after emailing her about an art trade, the piece below arrived in the mail. Read More...
Artist Interview:
A year ago, I attended an Ocean Beach art show and ended up buying the painting below for $53. (How that price was named will be explained later) The artist is locally notorious for his tube time at the jetty, and for dropping lyrics at random house parties, but not yet for his art. His name is Knorphus Zortorch. Read More...