Artist Interview: 3/1/2010  

David Adey : John Henry

Though nomadic in medium, the work of David Adey is consistent in concept in and the evident time and process behind it. A college professor at Point Loma Nazarene University, he works full-time as an artist between graduation and freshman orientation and this year his summer goal was to suspend a row of books between two walls with minimal support. Tests were conducted in PLNU’s Keller Gallery towards a final process, which was followed in a matter of days for the piece’s debut last week at La Jolla’s Athenaeum Library. Read More...

Artist Interview: 2/1/2010  

The Shared Brain of Jolby

Most art-making is an introspective solo journey and artists often have trouble compromising even small details of their work. An exception to the typical, Josh Kenyon and Colby Nichols have found developed a workflow, and corresponding portfolio, that includes both of their ideas and allows enough compromise to come to an often-stronger result. Collaborating for the better part of last decade under the name Jolby, Josh and Colby have combined their strengths in illustration, design, and imagination to create interesting work both for themselves and for clients. After marking their Subtext show as one of our favorites of 2009, we looked them up to find answers about their unique way of working. Read More...

Artist Interview: 12/1/2009  

Matt Stallings' DNA

I first came across Matt Stallings' when he was nominated in the emerging artist category for the San Diego Art Prize. His vibrant colors and technique made him stand out, but what struck me most about his work was his humor and social commentary. Not only did I want to buy one of his paintings, I wanted to sit down for a beer with the guy. We asked four friends who have shared an adult beverage with Matt in the past to inquire about whatever questions have gone unanswered in their minds. Read More...

Artist Interview: 11/2/2009  

Kevin Taylor : Studio Visit

A few of us attended a September opening at the Shooting Gallery featuring SF locals Erik Otto and Kevin Taylor. I was familiar with Erik's marvelous work from our past feature, but was floored that night by his counterpart in the show. Kevin Taylor's massive, lightly-glossed paintings commanded the room, displaying a variety of curious animal interactions. Later that month we sent Oakland-based artist Eric Taggart over to Kevin's studio for a chat. Read More...

Artist Interview: 8/31/2009  

Dave Adey

Between working in graphic design, teaching at Point Loma Nazarene University, and remodeling his own home Dave Adey is an expert craftsman in many realms. Dave works exhaustively to create polished, well-built pieces using unique processes. His expertise in odd and unknown systems remind us of an interesting aspect of humanity: our ability to develop detailed understandings and trained skills, both intentionally and unintentionally. His meticulously and seamlessly crafted work demonstrates a commitment to understanding surroundings through dedicated study and practice. Read More...