Normally two east coast bands touring together wouldn't be newsworthy for our San Diego-based blog, but when it's two of 2009/10's most hyped bands and they're heading straight for us, it's newsworthy. As announced by Pitchfork this morning, Washed Out and Small Black will hit the road in early March, making their way from NY to SXSW to SD and up the coast. Through our good friend Morgan Blair, we were tipped off to Small Black early, which definitely helped us to book this mega show.
March 25th, Sushi Art will host Washed Out, Small Black and Denver-based Pictureplane in what's sure to be the craziest dance party of the year (or at least of my year). Washed Out and Small Black traded remixes last year, and rumor has it there'll be a bit of that live as well. Here's a sample of what you're in for.
Washed Out remixes Small Black's Dispicable Dogs
Buy tickets here: / RSVP on Facebook here.

Posted By zack | 1/26/2010 | 10:52 AM | View Comments (2)
The treadmill synching band OK Go is back with a new album and clever videos. The music video for the song "This Too Shall Pass" caught my attention last week with epic new choreography that appears to be all in one take. I wonder if it really was? See for yourself.
Posted By carly | 1/25/2010 | 9:20 AM | Add a Comment
Wow. I'm still recovering from that sweaty dance party at The Casbah last night. Martian Horses and Joel P West & The Tree Ring did a great job of warming up the crowd, then Jamuel Saxon and guests tore the place apart. Thanks to everyone for coming out to support Sezio! If you weren't one of the first 100 to grab a copy of Jamuel Saxon's remix comp, we've got you covered. You can download all 16 of the tracks here.

Posted By zack | 1/22/2010 | 12:23 PM | View Comments (1)
I was grabbing a coffee at Krakatoa last week, and caught a few songs off an album the baristas were playing. It was one of those moments when you're embarrassed to ask 'who is this?' because it sounds like an album you should already know about. Fast forward to that evening and I quickly found my answer when Boomsnake took the stage at Casbah. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.
Boomsnake's new EP is actually comprised of old material that has been rearranged to fit the bands current 5-piece lineup. 'Re/visions' is a refreshing reminder that music is constantly evolving. Sampled Demolition is the lone new track on the 7 song EP. Get a taste below and then stream/download the entire EP for FREE here.
Boomsnake - 'Sampled Demolition'
Boomsnake is currently touring the West Coast for the next two weeks. Check out their schedule here and go see them live, you won't regret it!

Posted By zack | 1/20/2010 | 10:29 AM | Add a Comment
With the reality of a long rainy work week ahead of me, I have turned to the music blogs for some new music recommendations. To get me moving, I just downloaded the album Acolyte by UK band Delphic. Here is their music video for "This Momentary."
Posted By carly | 1/18/2010 | 9:45 AM | Add a Comment