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MVM : Bat For Lashes

I wonder if Critical Mass will look like this this month...

Here's Bat For Lashes "What's A Girl To Do"..directed by Dougal Wilson


Posted By carly | 10/20/2008 | 8:20 AM | Add a Comment

MVM : Yelle

In the spirit of Halloween and the quest for the most original costume this year, here is Yelle's music video for "Ce Jeu".

...the brontosaurus was always my favorite because they were herbivores and seemed the nicest of the dinosaurs.  (they are called the apatosaurus now)

Posted By carly | 10/13/2008 | 8:35 AM | View Comments (1)

Fleet Foxes @ Sommerville Theatre - Boston, Ma.

I have been out in Boston the last five days, seeing the foliage turn to 'prime', eating lobster in Rockport and watching the Red Sox.  I was able to catch a few shows during my stay as well, starting with Death Cab at BU, Mason Jennings at Paradise Rock Club and Fleet Foxes at Sommerville Theatre.

Located in Davis Square, Sommerville is an old theatre that doubles as a movie theatre and venue; think Spreckels, but half the size.  Surprisingly, the Fleet Foxes announced this was the first sit down theatre they had ever played in. (surprising because I could not imagine a more fitting venue)  The band was playful all night, constantly interacting with the crowd, and sounded amazing. Here are a couple songs from the evening.

For the encore, lead singer, Robin Pecknold, unplugged his guitar and stepped in front of the monitors and microphones.  Using just the house acoustics, he serenading the enthralled audience. 

Posted By zack | 10/7/2008 | 10:06 AM | Add a Comment

MVM: Lykke Li

This video is particularly creepy but so cool.  I like when old people can still get down... Here's Lykke Li's video for "I'm Good, I'm Gone".



Posted By carly | 10/6/2008 | 10:57 AM | Add a Comment

Department of Eagles to release "In Ear Park"

Before there was Daniel Rossen, genious songwriter/guitarist/singer of Grizzly Bear, there was Daniel Rossen, NYU student making music in his dorm room with borrowed equipment.  Rossen, with university-assigned roommate Fred Nicolaus, wrote and recorded a number of songs during their stay which later were released under the name Department of Eagles.  Their first record, The Cold Nose, made it around the United States over the past few years but the band has remained elusive; they never really performed and Nicolaus went off to work a normal job.  With the momentum of Rossen's other projects, it would seem that DOE is said and done, but from the looks of it, college graduation was not the end.

Grizzly Bear took 2008 off to work on their new record and in the meantime, Rossen and Nicolaus have been working on ideas together again.  The former roommates started work last December for a second project, employing resources that have become available through the success of Grizzly Bear.  Where The Cold Nose was scattered and homemade feeling, the identity of the style and fidelity of the recording in the new songs are tight and confident.  The new record, In Ear Park, will be available next Tuesday (10/7) and you can read and hear more at their website.

No One Does It Like You

Posted By joelpwest | 10/2/2008 | 8:38 AM | View Comments (2)