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Sezio Partners with Artist & Craftsman

Sezio is excited to announce a multi-level partnership with Artist & Craftsman Supply. All card-carrying Sezio Members will now receive 10% off their entire purchase at the independent art store located on the corner of 4th and Robinson in Hillcrest. If you're not a Sezio Member yet, you can pick up your kit at the store for $40 dollars, which also contains discounts to Starlite, The Linkery, Subtext Gallery, and El Take It Easy with more to come. A&C Supply will also support Sezio with supplies and product for future art exhibits and community workshops.

Posted By zack | 6/8/2011 | 12:15 PM | Add a Comment

John Heart Jackie @ Habitat House

In February, we had the pleasure of hosting John, Jennie, and Peter of John Heart Jackie while the Portland folk outfit was in town opening for The Tree Ring's record release show. They spent an afternoon playing guitars and frisbee at Golden Hill Park and ended up writing a song they debuted that very night at the San Diego Women's Club. You can hear a recent recording of said track below, and see John Heart Jackie perform live at Habitat House this Thursday supported by Tree Ring member John Titterington's project The Roofbeam Carpenters. There might even be some cameos from other Tree Ring members...


Posted By zack | 6/5/2011 | 11:44 AM | Add a Comment

Tape Deck Mnt., Writer : US Tours

Tape Deck Mountain and Writer are embarking on extensive US Tours this month, one starting at Soda Bar and one ending there. Tape Deck and label mate Woodsman play San Diego tonight, followed by a massive loop around the country. Writer will fly to Philly this weekend to meet up with Cults and Guards. Check out a new track from Tape Deck below, and a new single from Writer on Vice's Full Writer tour dates here, Tape Deck here.


Posted By zack | 6/3/2011 | 9:19 AM | Add a Comment

Sezio Summer Kick-Off @ The Casbah

We're excited to partner with our friends at Filter Magazine on two stellar nights of music at The Casbah.  The first night, June 1st, features two bands we've been trying to book for a long time, Eternal Summers and Oberhofer. The second night will be headlined by good buddies and Detroit natives, Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr. Check out both full lineups below along with the always stellar poster work of Charles Bergquist, and be sure to grab your tickets early!

Eternal Summers - "Light Switch"

The Beets - "Time Brought Age"

Oberhofer - "AWAY FRM U"

Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr - "Nothing But Our Love"

TV Girl - "If You Want It"

So Many Wizards - "Nico"

Posted By zack | 5/27/2011 | 8:17 AM | Add a Comment

Noah and the Whale @ SD Woman's Club

Noah and the Whale caught our attention a couple years back with their sophomore release, Peaceful the World Lays Me Down, and the film that they released to accompany the album. Here's the trailer below, which features the song, "Blue Skies."

One thing that Noah and the Whale can never be accused of is having released the same album twice.  When trying to describe what this band sounds like, it is impossible to pinpoint an answer, seeing as with every album release everything about their music changes pretty dramatically.  The First Days of Spring is slow and melancholic, Peaceful the World Lays Me Down is happy with a child-like intensity, and their newest release, Last Night On Earth, is their most uplifting album to date, probably helped out by the synth they've thrown into the instrumentation to accompany the familiar acoustic guitar and violins. This new album feels like a solid blend between the first two, and a mixture of all three can be witnessed tomorrow night when they play the San Diego Woman's Club, located in Banker's Hill. Here's a live performance of "5 Years Time" to get you excited.

Posted By adam | 5/23/2011 | 10:55 AM | Add a Comment