Tomorrow Destin Daniel Cretton will check his luggage and board a plane to represent San Diego with his most recent film, Short Term 12, at Sundance. The incredibly moving piece has screenings scheduled for the festival in Utah this weekend, but has also found its way into a number of others including the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in France. This is a major accomplishment and we wanted to share some of his favorites now so that you can say you "knew him before he blew up."
Five most played records
1. The Polyphonic Spree - Together We're Heavy
2. The Muppet Movie Soundtrack
3. The Sinatra Christmas Album - any time of year
4. Joel P. West - Dust Jacket
5. Writer - Blood Drops
Five trips you want to take
1. India & China
2. South America
3. USA by motorcycle
4. The Moon
5. Spain
Five resolutions for 2009
1. Make good stuff with good friends.
2. Spend time with my sisters & brothers.
3. Buy a motorcycle.
4. Learn how to cook one incredible meal.
5. Don't take resolutions too seriously
Five San Diego restaurants/bars
1. Ortiz's Taco Shop
2. Cotijas Taco Shop
3. The Cat Lounge
4. Stumps Supermarket
5. 7-11, corner of Voltaire and Catalina
Five things you can't live without
1. burritos
2. honest friends
3. good stories
4. mi familia
5. wonder
Five compliments you've given recently
1. Whoa, that's so good.
2. Cool jacket.
3. I wish I could write like that.
4. Wow, I can't even smell it.
5. Did you clean the bathroom?
Five recent purchases
1. a california
2. bean, cheese and egg
3. shrimp california
4. veggie
5. carne with cheese
Five words of wisdom
1. Be
2. Nice
3. To
4. Your
5. Mother
Posted By joelpwest | 1/13/2009 | 8:51 AM | View Comments (2)
Nomadic artist collective, Sanctuary 143, is quickly building a reputation for hosting top-notch art exhibitions. Following 2008's Reinventing the Wheel, Conspire will add a musical element to the equation. Pairing the likes of Mike Maxwell with Silent Comedy or Wes Bruce with Joel P West, each art installation will be accompanied by original music inspired from that very piece.
The event will be held this Saturday (6-10pm) at the Martin Building + Flats in Bankers Hill. To RSVP and find out more details, click here.
Throughout the week, we will be previewing various artists from this show, who we have not yet featured. So stay tuned.
Posted By zack | 1/12/2009 | 11:08 AM | View Comments (1)
Over the weekend, friends and new neighbors gathered around the tv for what ended up being a youtube marathon. Half of us depressed over the Chargers loss, the other half over the start of another work week, we played everything from fainting goats to segway faceplants. The highlight of youtubing, for me, was when we all tried to imitate this new Tecktonic style of dancing. Here is Yelle’s “A Cause Des Garcons” Tepr Remix.
Posted By carly | 1/12/2009 | 9:23 AM | View Comments (2)
Our High-Fives today come from Dave Brown, a walking wealth of ideas, forward thought, cultural enthusiasm, and in-the-know-ism. Dave started Holiday Matinee and uses the site to showcase the broad and impressive creative work he has done over the past ten years, and to inform us of everything notable around our city and on the web.
Five most recently played records
1. The Album Leaf - "In A Safe Place"
2. Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People
3. Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf - Big Shots
4. Coconut Records - Nighttiming
5. David Cross - Shut Up, You Fucking Baby!
Five resolutions for 2009
1. Make the Padres not suck
2. Stop calling everything gay
3. Learn how to relax
4. Make everyone fall in love with The Traditionist
5. Finish the Kumar movie
Five San Diego Restaurants/Bars
1. Jayne's Gastropub
2. The Linkery
3. Starlite
4. Casbah
5. Morton's Steakhouse
Five things you can't live without
1. iPhone
2. NHL09
3. Sarcasm
4. Larry David
5. My girlfriend
Five most visited websites
1. swiss miss
2. fresh bump
3. fuck you, penguin
4. life lounge's RAD blog
5. coolhunting
Five recent purchases
1. Wii fit
2. Gang Gang Dance on iTunes
3. psfk good ideas in 2009
4. Acme t-shirt from Material
5. New Chucks @ facevalue
Posted By joelpwest | 1/8/2009 | 12:50 PM | View Comments (2)