If you haven't heard yet, Ford Motor Company gave Sezio and Holiday Matinee an unreleased Ford Fiesta for 6 months, with a gas card and a ton of free electronics. Each month, we're tasked on spending their advertising budget on creative events and on our talented network of friends and artists.
For Mission #3, we've teamed up with Tocayo to create an apparel design for ROXY, based on the Fiesta vibe. Being so close to Mexico, we choose Baja as our theme and let Tocayo do his thing.

To celebrate this recent collaboration, we're hosting a FIESTA of our own Monday, May 24th at Super El Camino in Little Italy. From 7-8pm there'll be FREE FOOD and $3 beers and margaritas. We'll also be screen printing the above design on shirts and tote bags. If you'd like to partake, bring a crisp $20 dollar bill or you can show up with a shirt from home (preferably light in color).
To get in on the free food and cheap drinks, you need to RSVP here.
Posted By zack | 5/24/2010 | 12:12 AM | Add a Comment
Tonight is the night! John Meeks is having a record release show for the long awaited album “Old Blood” at the Casbah. Joining John Meeks, are favorites: The Donkeys, Drew Andrews, and Tobyn Clark. Come to the Casbah at 9pm, tickets are $10, you’ll be glad you did.
** If you didn't make the show, you can purchase on iTunes here.
Posted By carly | 5/21/2010 | 10:58 AM | Add a Comment
Saturday night from 6 - 10pm at Say Lula Salon (955 S. 16th St.) in Barrio Logan: new work by Wes Bruce, Cara Heslip, Miki Iwasaki, Sean Kelley, Christopher Puzio, Dawn Whitmore, & Brandon Zeller.
Music by Black Mamba & WWDJ
Say Lula Salon is an active, urban workspace that facilitates local artists to display their work in a professional manner while contributing to the salon's personal aesthetic.
Sponsored by the Tin Can
Salon Hours: 10-7 Tuesday - Saturday
Posted By jordan | 5/20/2010 | 8:56 AM | View Comments (1)
I stumbled on Sean Stiegemeier's vimeo account via his Icelandic Volcano time lapse video. An hour later and I've watched all way down to his Park City party vid, thoroughly entertained / amazed with all of his work. This particular video and song struck me the most though, a collection of breathtaking time lapses from years of traveling.
Posted By zack | 5/17/2010 | 5:15 PM | View Comments (2)
I like the idea of everyone running on different frequencies and how, once in awhile, you meet someone with the same frequency as you. Whether or not this music video is really about that, the radical visuals made me think about the connections we have with one another. Deep thoughts on a Monday. Enjoy The Chemical Brother’s new music video for “Swoon.”
Posted By carly | 5/10/2010 | 9:00 AM | Add a Comment