Crocodiles play Casbah tonight with Texans, Woven Bones. Mario from Art Fag gave us a couple tickets to give away to whomever can answer the following queston:
When Woven Bones cameoed in Crocodiles Disposable Project, what did Brandon use for a pillow after their late night, Austin jam session?
*Contest is over. Congrats to Chris Rothwell on scoring the two free tickets. Casbah will have tickets at the door for $12.
First person to email the correct answer to wins a pair of guest list spots for tonight's show!
Posted By zack | 8/20/2010 | 11:05 AM | View Comments (1)
Charles and I email some pretty weird stuff to each other throughout the work week, but this has got to be the weirdest from him yet. Check out Ratatat's "Drugs" video below and feel as creepy and uncomfortable as I do.
Posted By carly | 8/16/2010 | 1:31 PM | Add a Comment

Bicycle-touring, cello-wielding Ben Sollee has been posted up in San Diego for the past few days, prepping for his next journey. Ben will trek up the California coastline on his third bike tour, kicking off this Wednesday (08.18) at Sushi Art in downtown San Diego.
Ben Sollee - "A Few Honest Words"
Joel P West will play a solo set, opening for Ben's Sushi Art performance. Presale tickets are $8 and can be purchased here ($10 at the door). There will be a bike valet provided by San Diego Bike Coalition, and a ride-in leaving from Velo Cult in South Park around 6:30pm.

This 11 x 17 poster was hand sewn by Monica Hui, and will be for sale at the performance. 25% of the proceeds will benefit Sezio.
Posted By zack | 8/15/2010 | 9:46 PM | View Comments (1)

Over 40 artists, including a handful previously featured by Sezio, contributed skatedecks to Eighth Ply, a nomadic art show curated by We Love Creativity and Sk8ology. The decks will be on display at the Action Sports Retailers conference August 13th through the 15th, and will also make a cameo at Syrah Wine Parlor tonight. There's free drinks if you RSVP and show up by 8pm.
Click through for details and RSVP at

Exist 1981 and Eric Wixon

Sam Larson and Matty Davis

Sarah Spinks and Neko
Posted By zack | 8/13/2010 | 10:30 AM | Add a Comment
Wes Bruce has moved from the building stage to the interior design stage, carefully placing his 'treasures' within his giant fort.
Opening details & Update #1 here.
Posted By zack | 8/11/2010 | 11:02 AM | View Comments (2)