I've been really into this four song EP from San Francisco-based Dominant Legs ever since our friends at Lefse passed it along. The title track, Young at Love and Life, is a standout summer jam, but Clawing Out at the Walls is quickly becoming my favorite. Check out a live video and mp3 below, and make sure to save Friday, November 5th on your calendar... just saying.
Dominant Legs - 'Young at Love and Live'
Pick up the full EP on iTunes here.
Posted By zack | 8/30/2010 | 6:26 PM | Add a Comment

A couple birthdays ago, Joel P West gave me the above 5x5 inch canvas portraying a mid-century deep sea diver. One of my treasured possessions to this day, I finally convinced Joel to re-work his design into a t-shirt graphic for all to enjoy. Below is what he came up with:

We only printed a few dozen shirts, which are available now through our online store for the low, low price of $22.50!!! They're printed on American Apparel's 2001 Unisex Tee, sizes Small through X-Large.
Pick up Deep Search by Joel P West here, and follow the directions below.

The process is pretty simple here: Step #1 - Buy Joel P West T-Shirt. Step #2 - Spend some time thinking in the woods (cool walking stick recommended). Step #3 - Get babes (or dudes, whatever you're into).

Photos by Joel P West
Posted By zack | 8/29/2010 | 10:32 PM | View Comments (2)

The Yeller crew is back with another cleverly themed art show featuring dreamy works from Christina Liu, Clarke Forrest, Michael Tussey, and Tyler Cristobal. When We Sleep opens this Saturday at Subtext Gallery with live music from Mrs. Magician. Preview a few of the pieces below, and we'll see you tomorrow!

Michael Tussey

Christina Liu

Tyler Cristobal
Posted By zack | 8/27/2010 | 2:32 PM | Add a Comment
I first met Dave Brown shortly after we launched Sezio.org, in the summer of 2008. We connected through email and common interest, both sharing design-conscious blogs aimed to promote great art, music and creativity. I remember our first lunch in La Jolla, and how we took away action items immediately. Our first task: unite a group of emerging creatives in San Diego.
A month after that first lunch, Dave and I hosted a 'meeting of the minds' in a back room at Imperial House. Attendees included Lara Matthews (Thread), Nate Benedetto (Urbanist), Don & Dylan (Subtext), Sean & Stacy (Set & Drift), Joel P West and Justin Skeesuck (Seen+Noted). The goal was simple, share what we were each working on and find ways to cross promote brands, events, and so forth. Looking back on it now, it's amazing how this group of creatives 'grew up together' over the last couple years.

From there, Dave and I worked on anything we could together, from Ping Pong tournaments to a sold out show at MCASD. But Dave's work in San Diego started a decade earlier, circa 1998, when he sold his drum kit in New York to expense a cross country road trip. From day 1 in San Diego, Dave immersed himself in the creative scene. He opened an art gallery with Joshua Krause in Golden Hill, managed Album Leaf for a few years and traveled the world, and even worked PR on one of my all time favorite records -- We Have The Facts And We're Voting Yes by Death Cab For Cutie.
As Dave prepares to leave San Diego, and make his way back east, I personally invite you to join us at Starlite tonight (8pm) to celebrate the inspiring 12 years Dave has invested in our community and city. He has no idea (until now) that we've been planning this, but I know he would appreciate having a drink with a bunch of familiar faces. Details on the party are here. See you tonight!

Posted By zack | 8/24/2010 | 9:18 AM | Add a Comment
I sat down to write a quick little blurb about working with Traffique and the gang. I was going to make a timeline of how we all met and how events led to me putting together a rag tag band of unlikely san diegans to back Traffique's beautiful tunes, and how we did it all in just a few weeks. It was going to be witty while also thanking all the right people and it was going to impress you. I shot Traffique a text asking, "Can you send me over some quick thoughts about the night of the show." Her recollection will give you a way better idea of what this experience was like. Here's what she sent.... <3 Kenny...
"can't fucking believe how many of these johns are freaking cops," groaned traffique, her blue lips full of rage.
replied her loyal doris: "i know, huh?"
"where would you go if you could just get away, doris?" sighed traffique, her eyes reflecting the only world she could see---a tragic fratosphere.
"anywhere they don't have Title 18 Part I Ch. 117 Sec. 2422 laws."
meanwhile, in outer space…
only three days before the show, bertrand, chester, and errol transported themselves from charon, which was perfect because traffique really needed a keyboard player, another alto, and a drummer.
it was tricky fitting all of that gear in one small hot air balloon, but errol rode on top of chester's shoulders to make it work.
this infuriated chester, as errol weighed 1400 earth pounds.
(chester would have a hard time drumming that night with shoulders relocated that morning by a drunk shaman friend.)
2.8 billion miles (that's 39.4 AU, genius) with a pterodactyl on your back is…
Bertrand doesn't know his Avemetatarsalia from his Sauropoda. Errol is a brachiosaurus.
either way. dinosaurs are heavy.
and both ways, dinosaurs are sexy.
super sOUper sexy.
ok, so we agree. their leathery skin doesn't work against them. like bikers'. here's what bertrand and chester argued about as their balloon landed, late for soundcheck as usual, on 5th street downtown SD:
Errol, still sleepy from his nap, forgot to bring half of the gear. this necessitated a trip back to the hot air balloon.
quite common. these altos think the world is made of nutella.
bertrand, single-mindedly focused on his desire to renew the blue laws, astounded chester.
all this trouble was compounded by the extremely strong force of earth's gravitational pull. Bertrand, a dinosaur hybrid found only on Pluto, resembles an earth giraffe and was having trouble keeping his disproportionately small head and giant neck from dragging on the sidewalk.
the perpetually bored chester wanted nothing more than to hold up bertrand's head, since making your giraffe-like friend look tall was considered very noble on charon.
trouble was that chester, while very heavy, was also very small. like a lead penguin.
errol worried that chester's arms, now relocated, could not support the weight.
chester asked errol to stop being a baby.
errol, attempting to divert the course of events, asked to at least first use the restroom.
this petty bickering continued as they stumbled straight through the main venue to the restroom, where they discovered a pair of dino-worthy gloryholes, and, not knowing what those were, peered thru them with their dino-eyes to discover local whores traffique and doris arguing over their monetary prospects for the evening.
chester muttered under his breath his desire to return home, away from this loathsome planet, scrubbed clean of dinosaurs and hookers.
traffique and doris, however, having longed for such salvation as their youth slipped away, quickly hatched a plan. While Doris pleasured errol and bertrand, traffique absconded with the keys to the hot air balloon.
blessed are those that can vomit from drinking.
Posted By zack | 8/23/2010 | 11:22 PM | Add a Comment