Habitat House is gearing up for their first art opening of twenty-eleven, and they're putting out an open call for submissions. The catch is you must live in Golden Hill to particpate in the group show aptly titled Neighbors. Send a few images of your recent work to info@habitathouse.org and someone from the house will get in touch with you over the next few weeks. The opening is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 23rd.
Posted By zack | 1/26/2011 | 8:18 PM | Add a Comment

Das Racist - "Rainbow in the Dark"
UCSD is putting us in quite the predicament next Monday night. We've had Darwin Deez' show at The Loft on our calendars since we posted his off the wall music videos last year, but we've also been bumping Das Racist in the office non-stop lately. The Brooklyn-based trio is set to play Porter's Pub the same night Deez will be making his San Diego debut at The Loft. Maybe they'll just combine the shows and host a huge dance party at RIMAC... probably not. Which show are you going to choose?
*Update: Darwin Deez cancelled, go to Das Racist.
Posted By zack | 1/25/2011 | 2:39 PM | Add a Comment
By now most of you have seen the above video, released by The Tree Ring and director Destin Cretton last week. We were lucky enough to be on hand for the shoot, to capture the spontaneous beauty created by an incredibly talented group of friends. View a selection of photos and captions below, and view the full album here.

Wes Bruce begins the installation.

Confetti prep work, Wes Bruce and crew.

The Tree Ring and guests arrive.

The moment.

The director, Destin Daniel Cretton.
All photos by Dylan Ousley and Zack Nielsen, view more here.
The Tree Ring's record release show is Saturday, February 12th at the San Diego Women's Club, grab your tickets before they sell out.
Posted By zack | 1/24/2011 | 11:55 AM | Add a Comment
Chairs Missing is rapidly becoming one of my favorite bands in San Diego. From their set at Four Day Weekend, which we'll be releasing soon, to their epic New Years Eve performance at The Tree House, I like this band a little more everytime I see them live. Paul Remund and crew are finishing up their debut EP over the next couple months, for now check out two demos below.
Chairs Missing - "The Corner"
Shows: 01.31 @ The Echo (LA), 02.04 @ Soda Bar, 03.10 @ Casbah
Posted By zack | 1/17/2011 | 11:39 PM | Add a Comment