Keeping with our beast themed content this week, I'm stoked to feature a project that our February featured artist(s) Jolby worked on. Tangible Worldwide employs Josh and Colby up in Portland, and you can see hints of their work littered throughout this new project. GrabbaBeast let's you create your own beast in under a minute. With endless options for customization, the site is super slick and a good time waster on a Friday afternoon. Check out this promo video the Tangible team made of the beasts taking over the streets of PDX.
Here's my beast. I named him Gnar-Dog. Make your own here!

Posted By zack | 3/19/2010 | 10:30 AM | Add a Comment
Three Adventurers took the challenge, the clues and answered the Zelda riddles from our Exist 1981 feature that went up yesterday, and found the beasts! Despite deep water and darkness they ventured in, got their picture, and now they will receive their prizes. Even though you future sewer seekers won't get any official goods, I would say that the journey through the tunnels is prize enough for a night time or early morning adventure that would make the Goonies swoon.
I'm pretty impressed with these three people. To find the beasts within 24 hours was no easy challenge. As promised each winner will be receiving the following prizes:
///Guest List + 1 for Washed Out / Small Black (March 25th)
///A Limited Edish Sezio T-shirt
///Two Exist 1981 T-shirts
///Tons of Exist & Sezio stickers
///Unlimited high-fives at any/ all Sezio/ Exist events forever
///A truck load of street cred
Here's our brave winners as they came in:
Bryan Bologna: Solo Mission: 6:12 Pm 3/15/10

Natalie Kardos: Tag Team Mission: 7:47am 3/16/10

Lucas O'connor: Tag Team Mission: 7:47am 3/16/10

Good adventuring and keep checking the sight for our next scavenger hunt. Who knows where the next one will take you...
Posted By Wes | 3/16/2010 | 11:46 AM | Add a Comment
Projections are rad, and so is this band from Florida called Holiday Shores. Andy Ralph got me hooked on these dudes, and this song in particular I can't stop playing. Check out the video for Phones Don't Feud below and then grab their debut album, cause it's real good.
Posted By zack | 3/15/2010 | 1:14 PM | View Comments (1)
You may have noticed a new icon pop up this week in the URL box of your favorite website ( After a lot of badgering and countless hate emails, we've finally implemented an RSS Feed for our content. Now our news items, reviews and features will stream right into your google reader and such... You can subscribe here.
Thanks for being patient.

Posted By zack | 3/11/2010 | 9:16 AM | View Comments (1)

Writer is heading back to Austin's South By Southwest festival this week and they're bringing a bunch of San Diego talent with them. For starters, they booked shows to Austin and back with Tape Deck Mountain using the above press photo, shot by Andrew Burns. They will be selling a new EP on the tour that features a remix by Jamuel Saxon and artwork by Lindsay Preston, screen-printed in the Sezio garage.

Secondly, we are proud to announce that Brad Kester's music video for Four Letters was accepted into the Film Festival portion of SXSW and will premiere in a program of other music videos for random bands like Grizzly Bear and Passion Pit. Destin Daniel Cretton has cinematography credits on the video as well as San Diego's finest barefoot skiier, Mike Gerstein. The program will play three times during the festival and more information can be found here.
Good job San Diego. Turns out we're gonna be okay even without LaDainian Tomlinson.
Writer & Tape Deck Mountain play Tin Can Ale House tomorrow, Thursday March 11th to start their venture east. Come see them off and pick up the new EP, then check back for updates from their travels over the next two weeks. You can also find tour dates and the new songs on Writer's MySpace.
Posted By joelpwest | 3/10/2010 | 12:01 PM | View Comments (2)