On Friday, April 30th, San Diego is in for a treat. For our second collaboration with Holiday Matinee & Ford, we're hosting an intimate evening of music and cocktails at the Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla. The Sherwood Auditorium will play host to Joel P West & The Tree Ring with support from a long list of talented artists and opening act, Black Mamba. Joel will be performing a handful of new songs along with some rearranged classics backed by some of San Diego's finest string players (+ special guests). Set design and projections are being created by a team of artists. Good things happen when people come together and this will truly be a night to remember.
The pre-sale for this event is over. Tickets will be available for $10 at the door. Doors open at 7pm, music starts at 8pm.
Plus if you RSVP here, we'll send you an unreleased cover song recorded last week by Joel P West & The Tree Ring.
Posted By zack | 4/25/2010 | 11:35 PM | Add a Comment

A group of us traveled north over the weekend, some by car and some by plane, but all with a common purpose: to bypass Coachella for a more intimate, cooler experience with Hot Chip & Yeasayer. Here are some things we learned and saw along the way.
- The California Coastline is pristine.
- Charles is really into space. Really.
- Carly + Spent + Greer + Southwest = Booze Plane
- Riding statues may result in broken Holgas.
- Shows at the Fox Theater start a half an hour early (really didn't care about seeing The XX anyway, thanks!)
- Hot Chip + 10 G&T's makes for a good night.
- BART Traffic Cops don't like it when you scalp student passes.
- Point Richmond is a very quaint, ghetto-bordering town.
- Berkeley Hippies make great friendship bracelets.
- Pizza Orgasmica is the original sin, as their tagline states.
- If you're in SF, you want to have lunch here.
- The Fillmore might be the best venue ever.
- Sleigh Bells are definitely the worst opener ever.
- Yeasayer was amazing. Words can't describe. Videos can.
- The drive home was brutal, but the grapevine was pretty.

More photos on Carly's Flickr and Zack's Facebook.
Posted By zack | 4/20/2010 | 2:22 PM | View Comments (2)

Tomorrow evening the Yeller folks will be packing the zines they received from over 80 artists to the Subtext courtyard for their Papercuts Zine Swap. It will be a friendly night of refreshments, flipping through zines, and creative trade. If you didn't sign up with Yeller to make a zine you can still bring your own to swap, just make sure you have at least 15 copies because there's a lot of people participating and zines go quick. And if you are hoping to bring home a zine or two but don't have one to trade, pack something else of interest that you can barter with and see if you can strike a deal. It all starts at 7 and more info is available on the Yeller Website.
Posted By joelpwest | 4/16/2010 | 10:49 AM | Add a Comment
While most of you will be at Coachella this weekend sweating your proverbial balls off in 90 degree sunshine and sweaty tents, a few friends from the Sezio crew will be venturing North for a cooler, more intimate dance party pick. Besides running around the fabulous City that is San Francisco, we will be catching the Hot Chip/The XX show at the Fox Theater in Oakland Friday night and double-dipping (Zack's favorite saying) with the Yeasayer show Saturday night! Zack and Charles left early this morning for an all day drive up the coast in the man-genta mobile aka the new Ford Fiesta. I am leaving tonight via booze plane with “the roommates” Greer and Spent. Photos and fuzzy details to follow...keep up with us on Twitter for sporadic weekend updates.

Posted By carly | 4/15/2010 | 9:31 AM | View Comments (1)

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros sold out this week's Belly Up show in less than an hour. I guess word traveled around town quickly about how awesome their last performance was. The fine folks at Belly Up are holding a pair of tickets for Sezio (unfortunately we're going to SF for Hot Chip / The XX and Yeasayer) so we're leaving the tickets up for grabs. Here's the catch:
We'd like to see an artistic rendering of the band's name. Draw, Paint, Capture or Photoshop a literal representation of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros. Submit your entry to info@sezio.org by 11:55pm on Wednesday. The winning entry will be announced via twitter and facebook Thursday morning at 10am.
*Winner Announced
Congrats to Angela Nguyen and her clever sketch entitled 'E-Sharpe'.

Posted By zack | 4/13/2010 | 10:12 AM | Add a Comment