Portland-based illustrators Jolby are working on their first childrens' book entitled The King's Sixth Finger, a whimsical story about a king named Mortimer who is obsessed with the number 5. Using the recently popular Kickstarter.com, Josh and Colby are hoping to publish the book with funds from pre-ordered copies and other donations. During the three month funding period, backers will be sent exclusive sneak peaks and behind the scenes insight into their creative process. Here's a sneak peak of King Mortimer himself (pre sixth finger).

Josh and Colby are co-writing the book with Rachel Roellke. Knowing how talented these two are, I can't wait to receive my copy in the mail..! If you'd like to pre-order the book, or just support the cause, visit their Kickstarter page here.
Posted By zack | 9/28/2010 | 11:59 PM | Add a Comment
Our event-packed month is finally coming to an end, and we'll be going out with a bang with our first show on campus at UCSD's The Loft. Curator, Elizabeth Bradshaw, was so pleased with our 2 Year anniversary party in June she asked that we bring the same artwork and bands on campus for the students to enjoy.
Thursday, September 30th Writer and Cuckoo Chaos will play The Loft celebrating the opening of Sezio's one month gallery exhibit. Doors open at 8pm and the night is free for students ($5 for non-students). If you're a member of The Loft or a Sezio Member, you're welcome to attend the preview hour (7-8pm), and your first drink will be on the house! More details here.

Posted By zack | 9/27/2010 | 4:56 PM | Add a Comment
We spent all week stocking up on new tees, hoodies and screen artwork to debut at this Sunday's THREAD Show. This edition of Thread promises to be the best yet, with the addition of Nosh and only a $5 cover (if you rsvp here). Come find Sezio's booth and print something fresh for the fall.

Sezio is excited to host Thread's official after party this year, right up 5th street at Tin Can Alehouse. We've lined up one of our favorite San Diego acts, Little Deadman, along with SF up-and-comers Young Prisms. Show up with your Thread wristband on, and your first drink is on the house!

Little Deadman - "Shooting Seagulls"
Posted By zack | 9/24/2010 | 6:57 PM | Add a Comment

The repetition of this soothing song by Baths is calming me down this morning. It's cathartic rhythm has proven to be more effective on a Monday morning than aimlessly spinning in my office chair. Please enjoy this music video for “Lovely Bloodflow” with me and pick up Baths' debut album Cerulean out now on anticon.
Posted By carly | 9/20/2010 | 8:58 AM | Add a Comment
We're teaming up with Holiday Matinee again for 2010's PARK(ing) Day this Friday, September 17th. We'll be reclaiming our spot in front of Burger Lounge in Little Italy, and crossing our fingers that Officer Raspberry doesn't arrest us. Tomorrow, parking spaces all over the world will be turned into mini parks, making a unified statement that we need more green, open spaces in our urban areas.
If you missed last year's PARK(ing) Day, here's a recap. We'll be in front of 1608 India Street from 9am - 6pm tomorrow. Some of our musician friends will be joining us throughout the day, capping off with a performance by Writer at 5pm. Swing by and say hi..!

Posted By zack | 9/16/2010 | 4:12 PM | View Comments (1)